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Quantification of the Effectiveness of Small Modular Reactor Containment Structures in Decontaminating Aerosolized Radionuclide Particles through Natural Phenomena in Simulated Nuclear Accidents



Quantification of the Effectiveness of Small Modular Reactor Containment Structures in Decontaminating Aerosolized Radionuclide Particles through Natural Phenomena in Simulated Nuclear Accidents



Purpose: Develop validation data to support the use of decontamination factors due to natural phenomena

Significance: Available correlations are for LLWRs, SMR-specific correlations must be empirically determined

Benefit: SMR correlations should provide reduced design basis and beyond design basis accident source terms


​Project Scope Includes Collaboration with Carnegie Mellon University for the Following Items:


Thermal-Hydraulic Research: Establish theoretical basis for natural decontamination phenomena


Test-Loop Design: Mechanical design of high pressure test vessels and test loop including sampling methods.


Computational Fluid Dynamics: CFD Simulation to optimize the test loop design and establish appropriate correlations.




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